Goodbye Egypt

Goodbye Egypt
A Movement for Kingdom Entrepreneurs

While working on a writing project, the Lord laid the foundation of a book on my heart. It hit me hard and fast. When I was able to get myself together, I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and went live on Facebook to share the message with believers who are entrepreneurs. The result is the video below. If you are a business owner, or aspire to become one, I pray you will be blessed by the message and use it to fuel you as you endeavor to do all God has created you to do.

Bring the Kingdom Builders Experience to Your Church, Community, or Organization!

If you are the leader of a group of Christians who feel called to the marketplace and would like to help them accept this call, then the Kingdom Builders Experience is right for you!

During this experience, Otescia teaches entrepreneurs how to answer God's call to entrepreneurship through submission to the Word of God, radical obedience, and a willingness to partner with Holy Spirit to receive the instructions they need to excel in the business world. This program can be taught virtually or in-person through a one or two day conference.

Otescia, a successful full-time entrepreneur, success coach, bestselling author, keynote speaker, and minister of the Gospel captivates audiences through her ability to combine Biblical principles with practical tools so that attendees walk away equipped and inspired to reach the next level in business.

Topics she covers include:

You are the Worksite- God builds THROUGH man. In this workshop, Otescia teaches the importance of submitting to God so that the entrepreneur's character can be developed to support the height and weight of the business God desires to build through him/her.

Business Foundation- In this workshop, Otescia teaches the fundamentals of building a business God's way.

Provision to Build- In this workshop Otescia teaches entrepreneurs how to lean into the provision of God to fund the business He has called them to build.

The Sacred and the Secular- In this workshop, Otescia taps into her business degree and experience in the business world to teach practical tips attendees can combine with their spiritual principles to immediately begin seeing growth in their business.

Bring the Kingdom Builders Experience to your organization

Books, Products, & More!

We are excited to announce a new book and product line designed to encourage Kingdom Entrepreneurs to keep pressing towards the Promised Land! The call to entrepreneurship is a process that prunes and shapes us as we work towards our goal. While you are waiting for the book and full program to be released, please enjoy the reminder on our first customized mug which is now available for purchase!

Have you ever sat at work asking yourself, “What am I doing here?” Do you desire to use your gifts for God’s glory while still earning what you need to provide for your lifestyle? Does your desire for God’s purpose for your life make working for someone else feel like a total waste of your time? Have you heard God tell you to step out on faith, but resisted the call due to fear?

Each person who walks the Earth has a unique God-mandated purpose to fulfill during their lifetime. For many people, that mandate includes stepping outside of our comfort zones and launching businesses and ministries. For people who are in those categories, working a traditional 9-5 job can often feel like bondage. I remember the day God revealed His intention for my life. I was terrified to go against everything I’d been taught. I was afraid of what people would say about me. I was petrified I wouldn’t be able to contribute to my family financially. God being the magnificent omniscient Father that He is, silenced my fears and doubt with one question, “Do you trust me?” It was this question that led me on a multi-year journey with God about my destiny in the Earth, and how my life and business would impact the lives of others for His glory!

“Goodbye Egypt” was birthed from my journey with God and is intended to help Kingdom Entrepreneurs make the journey from Egypt (traditional employment) to the Promised Land (entrepreneurship). The children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and died without being able to experience their promise for the same reason many Kingdom citizens die without obtaining what God has promised them. It is my prayer that this book provides the insight you need to overcome your fear and experience the freedom and provision God has ordained for your life. Our call to entrepreneurship goes much deeper than God providing finances for our homes. It is an extension of our personal ministry, a divine use of our gifts, and a pathway to bringing glory to the one true and living God! Join me as we reclaim the marketplace for Him!

Click HERE to order your Paperback Copy of the book!

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