
 We invite you to grab a cup of liquid gold (coffee) and take a quick look around. Our mission is to help you dig through the busyness of your life and get back to who you were intended to be before disappointments, setbacks, failures, and success began to shape you! Whether you'd like to venture into the world of publishing or try your hand at a different industry, Otescia is here to help guide you through your process!

Special Message from Otescia...

Them: "Find one thing you enjoy and become the best at that."  
Me: "Ummm.... No thanks!"
I can't tell you the number of times I heard this advice. Each time something inside of me cringed! As a creative, my mind is ALWAYS envisioning new stories, new courses, new ways I can help entrepreneurs build the business they were born to lead. It took years of self discovery, as well as countless personal and professional wins for me to realize I was breaking all the rules by creating everything I envisioned... and doing it while running a peaceful home, maintaining a healthy marriage, and raising amazing young people! I didn't have to choose between writing and coaching, or ministry and professional speaking! I understood I could do everything purposed for my life without feeling so stressed that I couldn't enjoy my family! I am Otescia Johnson, the exception to the rule, here to teach you how to ignore the rules and become the next exception!


We know you probably cringe at the thought of yet another person or company invading your inbox. Trust us when we say, WE GET IT!  That's why Otescia is super selective about when and how she sends out updates and invites. The advantages of joining her list include:


First access to new courses and programs 

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Discounts on items that will benefit you spiritually, personally, and professionally

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Otescia is the bestselling author of 12 published books and multiple screenplays.


A captivating, professional orator, Otescia draws her audience in with witty and engaging delivery of inspiring messages.


Not content to succeed without helping others, Otescia launched a success coaching business to assist aspiring authors and entrepreneurs.


Otescia is an ordained Prophetess and active member of her local church. She is also the founder of O. Johnson Ministries and the Healing the Hurt Conference.
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